Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Get a Work in Todays Tough Job Market

How to Get a Work in Todays Tough Job MarketHow to Get a Work in Todays Tough Job MarketWonder how to get a job in todays competitive job market fraught with job cuts, downsizing, and a glut of job-seekers? With job applications at an all-time high, employers can be choosy. To stand out and get a job in a tough market, you must be proactive and inventive. We asked experts from around the country for their best advice on how to get a job despite the unique challenges facing todays job seekers. How to Get a Job in Todays Tough Job Market Address The Bottom Line.The most important thing a job seeker should do to get a job is to answer the following question honestly, objectively, and regarding dollars and cents Knowing what you know about our company, why should we hire you? An honest return on an investment-based answer gives you an ironclad platform for getting an interview. Jeffrey Fox, author of 12 books including How To Land Your Dream Job Expand Your Networking and Social Cir cles.This doesnt mean you have to go crazy and put schmoozy events on your calendar 24/7. It does mean its time to invite your colleagues and friends to coffee, lunch or happy hour (and encourage them to bring along someone you may leid know). Also, set a goal of attending one or two professional or networking events per week. Patti DeNucci, business networking expert and author of The Intentional Networker Attracting Powerful Relationships, Referrals Results in geschftsleben Perform a Reverse LinkedIn Search.Do a LinkedIn search for the job title you want in the general people search area, not in the jobs section. This search should return a list of people who are in the role you want and youll know the companies that hire for these roles. Not only will you identify potential employers, but you may also find a potential way in. Employees typically get a referral bonus, and a quick connection to them can get you the in you need if theyre totenstill with the firm. If theyve left, m aybe you can be their replacement or they will give you an inside scoop that could either encourage you to pursue the opportunity further or avoid it all together. Judson Kinnucan, Director of Recruiting at hiredMYway.com?? Follow the Application Process.Make sure that you are following employer application processes to the letter. If they ask you to complete pre-screening questions, do it or you are apt to be screened out of the process before you even have a chance to speak with a real person. - Suki Shah, co-founder, and CEO at GetHired.com Target Decision-Makers.Create a job search plan and a professional online image (LinkedIn at minimum), and put together a targeted list of 30 employers. Contact decision makers at these employers with a clear message indicating what transformation they can expect to their company, division or department when they hire you. - Paul Hill, President, Transition to Hired, author of Panic Free Job Search Unleash the Power of the Web and Social Netw orking to Get Hired Start a Blog.Create a positive online presence that you can reference in your resume and/or during an interview. How? This can be as simple as having a professional blog or contributing regularly to an existing blog. Kelly Isley partners with award-winning business advisors who understand how to improve the bottom line. Be Proactive.Identify the industry that you are interested in and find the leaders within your geographic preferences. Next, find the job opening that you are interested in and fill out all of the online requirements of your top three choices. The next step is to identify the appropriate people in the organization that could help you (company president, personnel director, etc.). Send them each a personal letter and a hard copy of your resume. Try to make an appointment with those that you have sent your resume to. After one week, get dressed in your best business clothes and look like you want the job that you are seeking. Go to the companies t hat you identified and ask to meet with the person who has already received your application online, the same person that you called. With that much determination, perseverance, and courage you are clearly the best candidate. Kenneth Esrig, author, public speaker, entrepreneur and motivational coach and author of Start From Where You Are, a guide which teaches entrepreneurs how to be successful in all aspects of business Monitor Your Online Presence.Stay off of social media like Facebook and Twitter during your job search unless this is related to your profession. If you must engage in social media, create accounts that use abbreviations or pseudonyms that cannot be easily researched using your personenname or other info on your resume. This kind of research is the rule rather than the exception these days, and the more information you have accessible in this realm, the higher the likelihood that some of it may be construed in a negative way by a potential employer. It is a very p ersonal and subjective area. What you consider benign or not possibly detrimental may not be viewed that way by someone else. Dr. Joseph Cilona, Manhattan-based licensed clinical psychologist, author and business and personal coach. Dont Focus on Yourself.Give more than you get. Listen more than you talk. Period. Networking is not all about you. - Patti DeNucci, business networking expert and author of the new book The Intentional Networker Attracting Powerful Relationships, Referrals Results in Business (Rosewall Press, 2011)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How Long You Have to Work to Collect Unemployment

How Long You Have to Work to Collect UnemploymentHow Long You Have to Work to Collect UnemploymentNo one wants to find themselves on the unemployment line, even if that line is now mostly virtual. Its especially painful to wind up unemployed shortly after starting a new job, whether you left your last gig voluntarily or have been the victim of multiple layoffs. The emotional fallout can take some time to process, but your first priority, as a newly unemployed person, is to make a plan to survive financially until you secure your next position. Among other things, that means figuring out if youre eligible for unemployment insurance. How Long You Have to Work to Collect Unemployment Every state has its own rules on unemployment, including how long you can receive unemployment compensation and how much money youll get. Generally speaking, though, to be eligible for unemployment, you need To have lost your job through no fault of your own. It usually means that you wont be eligible i f youre fired or quit but not always. For example, sometimes workers are fired because theyre not a good fit, not because they were terminated for cause. If thats the case for you, you might still be eligible for unemployment. The same goes for some workers who quit because of reasons that make it nearly impossible not to quit, such as unsafe work conditions or lack of payment. (Note that a lot of very good reasons for quitting, such as having a sort of lousy boss, hating your job, and/or being bored at work do not qualify as good cause here.) To have been employed for the minimum amount of time required by your state, and worked the required number of hours per week and/or earned the minimum required compensation. State Rules for Unemployment Eligibility That last point is where it gets tricky because each state determines its own rules for unemployment eligibility. For example, unterstellung are Alabamas rules for unemployment eligibility, as of late 2015 You must have wages in at least two quarters of your qualifying period (base period). The base period is the first four quarters (12 months) of the last five completed quarters from the date your claim is filed. For example, if your claim was filed effective October 5, 2002 your base period would the 12 month period beginning July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2002. The total of your base period earnings must equal or exceed one and one-half times your highest quarter earnings. The average of your two highest quarters must equal or exceed $1157.01. Most other states have similar formulas to determine eligibility. To find out what your state requires, contact your state unemployment office. Dont Assume Youre Not Eligible for Benefits The good news is that the requirements generally arent set up to exclude people who joined a company shortly before a mass layoff or lost their job because it was a bad fit. In many states, if youve worked at some point during the last year, over the required number of qu arters, youll be eligible for unemployment assistance. So, dont assume that because you barely had time to warm up your office chair and figure out where the coffee was made, that youre automatically excluded from getting help. In fact, thats a good takeaway for all things related to unemployment it never hurts to try for unemployment compensation. You might be surprised to discover that you qualify. Furthermore, while the Unemployment Office has a reputation for being a typically faceless government bureaucracy, there are (at least some) people there who want to help. The bottom line is that when youre unemployed, you owe it to yourself to explore every avenue to give yourself some financial security while you make your next move. Youll feel more secure if youre less worried about money, and its easier to make good career decisions when youre not obsessing over paying your bills.

Make Your Job Posting Accessible to Screen Reader Software

Make Your Job Posting Accessible to Screen Reader SoftwareMake Your Job Posting Accessible to Screen Reader SoftwareMake Your Job Posting Accessible to Screen Reader SoftwareThe following tips will help make your job posting accessible to visually impaired people who use screen readers1. Provide text alternatives for images.2. Provide captions and/or transcripts for multimedia.3. Be sure that information expressed in color is also stated clearly in text.ExampleA green button contains the text Apply Now. The text alternative for this image should avoid any reference tocolor. ExampleActivatethisbutton to apply for the job.4. If your job posting contains an image map (a graphic image that contains different clickable areas that link to different destinations), you should provide alternative text for the image and each clickable area.5. Some users may be susceptible to seizures caused by strobing or flashing effects.Do not use designs that include flashing lights, bold, regular patterns, or regular moving patterns.We require that employers include complete job descriptions in textand not rely solely or primarily on graphics or tables.If included, graphics and tables should include proper mark up or alt tags to ensure that job descriptions will be accessible to blind persons.Accessibility StatementAt Monster, were committed to making our website accessible to everyone. We regularly test our site to identify usability issues and improve accessibility. Current accessibility features includeAlternative text for appropriate images and other non-text elementsTitle attributes for information about links and browser windowsHigh-level contrast text for better visibilityProviding device independent accessibility with mouse as well as keyboardStructural markup to indicate headings, labels and lists to aid in page comprehensionAssociation of all data cells in a data table with headersAll web pages appear and can operate in simple wayProviding help-text/tips to correct keying m istakesJavaScript and style sheets to enhance the appearance and functionality of the siteSupportive ARIA for better coverage of screen readingWe are continuously improving our website and working to make it mora accessible. If you have any suggestions or questions regarding the accessibility of this site, please contact us.